
Keep your project fresh!

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Current functionalities

At the moment the application offers the essential functionalities to help with the effortless maintenance of ongoing projects

Tracking the used software versions for 253 technologies

Notifications of expiring software versions

Notifications of available new software versions

Project sharing and ability to collaborate with others

Stay tuned!

These features will be added in the future. They are intended to help improve news reporting, automatic software updates, and ticket creation in task tracking systems

Version tracking from popular package managers!

Ability to track the most popular package managers such as: NPM, YARN, Composer, Pip, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems

Libraries that automate information about the technologies used in the project to popular package managers:

We will serve: NPM, YARN, Composer, Pip, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems

Jira Integration

Automatically bookmarking tasks for technology updates

Slack Integration

sending project reports to a selected slack channel

Project services templates

Create templates from existing projects so that new projects can be added faster


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With your feedback the app will grow to make your job easier

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